- zilverbat. / Foter / CC BY-NC
PreMenstrual Syndrome – PMS
PreMenstrual Syndrome, PMS, PMT – whatever you call it, it can be hell for those who go through it – and for their families too! We take a look at the different ways it can affect women and the ways natural remedies may offer support.
PMT – Mood Swings
Progesterone – one of the main hormones in charge of your cycle, has a very calming effect on you. Therefore, when the levels of this hormone drop, quite dramatically, before your period, you can become moody, irritable and aggressive. It is thought that the remedy Agnus Castus can be very helpful here as it is reported in studies to help regulate the part of the hormonal cycle, where progesterone is produced. Certainly the feedback we have had over the last few years has been extremely positive.
PMS – Heavy Periods
If you suffer with heavy bleeds, perhaps with dark blood and a lot of clots, it can be worth considering the naturopathic theory that heavy bleeds can be caused by a build up of toxins in the system. Cleansing the liver and following a detox regime for a month may be helpful.
A great herb to choose for cleansing the liver is a product like Vogels Milk Thistle
The other consideration here is iron. If you have heavy bleeds, you may be low in iron. Also ironically, those lowest in iron, often suffer heavy bleeds.
If you are suffering with heavy periods – it may be worth considering a good iron supplement
PMS – Painful Periods
For some women the main concern can be the pain, which at its worst can be incapacitating. It could be worth considering in this situation the fact that the mineral magnesium is needed for good muscle function and has been found to be helpful in reducing cramping.
If you do suffer with cramps – why not give some magnesium a try?
Natural Help for PMS
To help balance out mood swings and support a healthy cycle –it could be worth trying the award winning Femeze – A nutritional supplement to support women suffering with PMS.
For more help and information on this take a look at our blog post on PMS with mood swings and heavy bleeds
Hormonal Acne
There are many women for whom acne can still be an issue each month. This is due to the hormonal changes that occur before their periods. This pre menstrual acne could have a couple of possible causes.
1. It could be due to raised levels of a hormone called androgen. Raised androgens tend to make your skin quite greasy, your mood aggressive and cross and your periods quite light or erratic. If this sounds like you, then trying to reduce your androgen levels, possibly with a supplement of Saw Palmetto, could be worth considering. Saw Palmetto has traditionally been used as a supplement to Support the prostate gland in men, but one of its actions in this is to reduce androgens, meaning that this supplement could be equally beneficial to women suffering with symptoms which are associated with high androgen levels.
2. Low Progesterone levels have also been linked with acne flare ups before your periods. This would also tend to be linked to increased anxiety and tension, heavier and maybe painful periods and breast tenderness. If this sounds like you then it could be worth considering using the supplement Agnus Castus, which is reputed to help improve this hormonal imbalance.
For more information we have some blog posts on this subject:-
For those struggling with Acne, mood swings and sugar cravings, have a look at this article.