Tired all the Time?
Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning?
Low Energy & No Stamina?
Do you rely on things like coffee or sugar to get you going?
I suspect a lot of you do and just think that it’s normal. Actually it can be a sign of a problem called adrenal exhaustion. Other symptoms of adrenal exhaustion include:
Low mood, frustration and anxiety, poor concentration, poor sleep and exhaustion.
Adrenal exhaustion is caused by long term or a lot of, stress. This may be stress as we usually define it – work, life, family, money – anxieties and frustrations building up. But it may also include traumas, bereavements, illnesses or operations – these are all things that your body has had to cope with and recover from, which may have left it depleted and struggling to catch up.
Your adrenal glands when they are working properly help you to feel energised when you need to be and relaxed when it is time for rest. It is your adrenal glands which give you the energy to get through tough times. But if we make too many demands on them they become exhausted and stop working as well as they should. The way that most people deal with the dips in energy caused by an adrenal gland under pressure is to give themselves a boost with a coffee, a cola or a sugary snack. The trouble with this is that this temporary boost is provided by causing extra stress on your poor tired adrenal gland, forcing it to produce energy from nowhere. Therefore they will ultimately become more exhausted and your symptoms will start to get worse.
What you need to do is to nourish and support your adrenals so that they will start to work properly again and you can start to feel better.
There are three key ways to boost adrenal function and energy and stress support:
Balance your blood sugars! Eat regularly and do not rely on caffeine and sugar to get you through. Caffeine and sugar both create peaks and troughs in your blood sugar levels, which leave you feeling more exhausted, shaky and anxious. The mineral Chromium can be useful here if you do struggle with sugar cravings as it helps to balance blood sugars.
Super Siberian Ginseng. Siberian Ginseng is a great adaptogenic tonic and balancing supplement. It is thought to help support adrenal function and restore energy levels. Clinical studies have shown it increases mental alertness – lifting the mental fog, which can so often descend when we are tired or run down. Siberian ginseng has also been shown to help improve energy and endurance and has often been used by athletes to help support their efforts and energy levels. Again though you need a good dose.
Boost B5 – B5 is used by the body to release energy for carbohydrates and it is needed by the adrenals for good function. Signs of low B5 include fatigue, headaches, poor sleep and burning painful feet. It is not expensive and trying 500mg twice a day for a month can make a big difference, especially if you do have the burning painful feet – we have seen many happy customers whose feet have vastly improved after a month on B5!
The great news is that all of these nutrients are available in one easy to take supplement, designed with this problem in mind – RECHARGE! Recharge is an energy support supplement, exclusive to Help me be Healthy and we have had great reports on it – so why no give it a go!